Chaos Group’s Hybrid Rendering Technology is now available in V-Ray 3.6 for Maya. Now, you can render on NVIDIA CUDA GPUs, CPUs — or a combination of both.
This free update for V-Ray 3.x customers is compatible with Maya 2018.
Learn more.
New and improved features include:
Full Light Select Render Element – Render individual lights or groups of lights as separate render elements, with full support for global illumination, reflections and refractions for accurate light mixing in post.
Cryptomatte – Automatically generate ID mattes with support for transparency, depth of field and motion blur. This will speed up workflows for compositors working in Fusion or Nuke.
NVIDIA NVLink – Supports shared GPU memory across NVLink compatible graphics cards.
MDL materials – NVIDIA’s universal material format is now supported in V-Ray for Maya, allowing designers to apply MDL materials authored in programs like Substance Designer to their assets and scenes.
Viewport 2.0 improvements – V-Ray lights can now illuminate objects in Viewport 2.0, making light setup much easier. Direct support for environmental reflections and V-Ray materials have also been added.